free Data Engineering Courses

Get started our free courses in data engineering and machine learning. Topics range from introduction to coding with Python to more advanced topics like Spark, Machine Learning and Neural Networks.

All of our courses are interactive and free so get started below!

Python for Data

Learn coding fundamentals by pulling data from the web, and creating interactive graphs of your data.

Click on the free interactive lessons to begin. And check out the companion videos to learn to code with Jeff's mom.

Introduction to Pandas

You'll learn how to select, explore and plot data in Pandas. You'll do so using flood data from the FEMA API, and movie revenue data from 538.

Click on the free interactive lessons to begin. And check out the companion videos.

Introduction to Docker

Learn how to use Docker to quickly download and install web services. Along the way you'll use the Docker command line interface, work with containers, and build and run your own custom Docker image.

Click on the free interactive lessons to begin. And check out the companion videos.

Introduction to Spark

We'll see how Spark allows us to work with and query large amounts of data quickly. Specifically, we'll use Pyspark to retrieve and query data from AWS, and walk through the spark dashboard to understand what's going on under the hood.

Click on the free interactive lessons to begin. And check out the companion videos.

Introduction to Machine Learning

Learn the fundamentals of Machine Learning with decision trees. This includes the common components of all machine learning algorithms, training a model in sklearn, and the test-train split. You'll also learn how to work with the pandas library to collect, explore, and modify our data.

Click on the free interactive lessons to begin.

Introduction to Machine Learning

Neural Networks with Pytorch

You'll build a neural network from scratch. Along the way, you'll learn the calculus and matrix algebra fundamentals for understanding machine learning algorithms.

Click on the free interactive lessons to begin. And check out the companion videos.